Headquarters – Falmouth UK

¿Buscas una cotización? ¿Tienes una idea para un evento o exposición? Cuéntanos qué tienes en mente y te mostraremos cómo nuestros robots pueden lograrlo.

Engineered Arts Limited
E1-E3 Church View Business Park
Bickland Water Road
Cornwall TR11 4FZ
Reino Unido

Visitas sólo con cita previa.

Teléfono: +44 1326 378 129
Fax: +44 1326 375 752
Correo electrónico: info@engineeredarts.co.uk

London Office and Showroom

Conveniently located near major transport hubs our London office is home to most of our software development team and a selection of humanoid robots.

Engineered Arts Limited
2nd Floor, Cornwell House
21 Clerkenwell Green
London EC1R 0DX
United Kingdom

Visits by appointment only.

Phone: +44 (0)1326 378 129
Email: info@engineeredarts.co.uk

Redwood City Office

Our US office in California serves customers throughout North and South America

Engineered Arts LLC
555 Twin Dolphin Drive, Suite 615
Redwood City, CA 94065
United States

Visits by appointment only.

Phone: +1 667 2740803
Email: info@engineeredarts.co.uk

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