Tu actor robot

Los transeúntes se detienen en seco. Los delegados siguen pidiendo más. Las multitudes llenan el lugar de vibrantes aplausos. RoboThespian, impulsado por nuestra tecnología de vanguardia, funcionará como tu desees y captará la atención de cualquier persona, en cualquier lugar.

Una exhibición que hace al mundo detenerse

RoboThespian es el resultado de más de 15 años de iteración e innovación por parte de nuestro equipo de expertos en robótica. Impulsado por nuestro exclusivo sistema operativo Tritium, RoboThespian está a tu servicio para que lo controles de forma remota desde cualquier lugar.

Con una variedad de movimientos expresivos, discursos y canciones que se pueden programar de antemano o sobre la marcha, RoboThespian generará emociones deslumbrantes donde sea que lo coloque: en tu teatro o feria comercial, en un panel o programa de televisión en vivo, en una habitación llena de ejecutivos o un parque científico lleno de visitantes

Crea maravillas con facilidad


Control total al alcance de tu mano

Con nuestra interfaz de pantalla táctil intuitiva, sus visitantes podrán controlar cualquiera de nuestros robots.

  • Está diseñado para usuarios casuales que no suelen usar mucho la tecnología
  • Crea tu propia colección de rutinas
  • Controla el robot con solo pulsar un botón
  • Terminal duradera con pantalla táctil adecuada para entornos públicos

Conviértete en el robot y deja atónita a la multitud

Nuestro software de telepresencia TinMan le permite ser cualquier robot de forma remota y crear momentos impresionantes de interacción con las personas que rodean el robot.

  • Haz que la conversación entre robots y personas sea tan natural como una charla entre amigos
  • Controla las conversaciones desde cualquier lugar
  • Movimientos microfaciales y de contacto visual automatizados
  • Nos encargamos de los procesos complejos para que puedas concentrarte en cautivar a los espectadores
remote content

Solo basta arrastrar y soltar

Nuestro administrador de contenido funciona con un simple «arrastrar y soltar», lo que te permite seleccionar nuestro contenido preinstalado para crear tus propios momentos inspiradores.

  • Simplemente inicia sesión desde un navegador en cualquier dispositivo con conexión a Internet
  • Crea y edita secuencias de voz, canciones y movimientos, todo sobre la marcha
  • Gran colección de material preprogramado

Lo que dice la gente

«Engineered Arts have been very supportive»

"As far as I have worked with various robotic platforms, RoboThespian is a unique one in terms of its design and features. The well-designed and elegant structure of RoboThespian allows mimicking human movements in a seamless way. The simplicity of its backend system in programming complex tasks has enabled us to teach students to program complex movements scenarios and behaviours. The team of Engineered Arts have been very supportive in guiding us through the installation and programming steps. Due to these facts, I would highly recommend Engineered Arts technologies for any robotics lab"
Dr. Abdullah Almeshal, College of Technological Studies – RAiLab, Kuwait.

«It´s easier than Ikea to set up!»

"When we approached Engineered Arts about RoboThespian we had a bold project in mind, we wanted to ask local school children to create content for the robot to engage the local community around green energy projects in Scotland. Engineered Arts took the children's ideas and created bespoke content that visitors can play from our touchscreen console that was supplied. Our installation engineer said "It´s easier than Ikea to set up, It was real fun! My compliments, I was pretty impressed!"
Bryan Snelling, Aberdeen Science Centre

A great mix of science, humor, education and entertainment!

RoboThespian is a great mix of science, humour, education and entertainment, and he crosses all boundaries so for us he was an absolutely perfect exhibit to bring here. We know he can deliver educational content, he can explain the science behind robotics. We want to get people thinking about the future, thinking about science and where we're going but he's also a really great entertainer. RoboThespian comes loaded with content but there's a great opportunity for us to develop our own content both for education and entertainment. We've seen the faces of families and children over the last two or three days just as we've been testing and setting him up and the reaction has been fantastic!
Adrian Lutton, W5. Belfast

Engineered Arts team is always there at a moment’s notice

"Our first Humanoid show in India at India's famous religious theme park at Shirdi, with 3 human robots was only possible because of great involvement from the Engineered Arts team. They take ownership of the project and work with the client team to the minutest details. The show we created with them is very successful. We repeated our association with them to create a humanoid of former President of India, Dr Abdul Kalam in one of the museums. The most important part to keep the shows running flawlessly is the after sales support. The Engineered Arts team is always there at a moment's notice. We look forward to continuing our association with them in India and Southeast Asia."
Sanjay Dabke, Guardian Media and Entertaiments, India

Grandparents and toddlers singing, laughing and creating memories together

Our RoboThespian has been greeting visitors at the entrance to Carnegie Science Center’s “RoboWorld™” for over a decade, introducing the gallery, explaining robot basics, conducting sing-alongs, and cracking bad jokes to hundreds of thousands of guests. Technically, the ease of maintenance and the responsivity of the Engineered Arts team ensure his ‘down time’ has been minimal; any software glitches (few and far between) or updates can be handled remotely, and the ordering and delivery of occasional replacement parts is swift and efficient. And the interface kiosk for guest use is intuitive and engaging; my offices are right off the RoboWorld gallery, so I have the benefit of seeing a wide demographic of visitors enthralled by his antics. Especially satisfying is seeing multi-generation engagement – grandparents and toddlers signing, laughing and creating memories together. “Andy Roid” (a nod to both our founder Andrew Carnegie and ‘androids’) is a favorite of both staff and guests. 
Dennis Bateman, Director, Carnegie Science Center

Lo que la gente pregunta

No es necesario ser un experto en robótica para utilizar RoboThespian ya que cuenta con un software intuitivo y una interfaz sencilla. Sin embargo, contamos con una guía wiki si la necesitas, y podemos capacitar en menos de una hora a un miembro de tu equipo para que use nuestra tecnología de telepresencia TinMan.

Lo más probable es que RoboThespian se ejecute como tú quieras por lo que necesitarás poca ayuda. Pero si hubiera un problema, nuestros ingenieros pueden acceder y solucionar los problemas de tu robot de forma remota desde cualquier parte del mundo, logrando así mantener el tiempo de inactividad al mínimo.

Te pediremos que coloques una barrera para proteger al robot del contacto humano. Sin embargo, RoboThespian está a salvo con la gente, y si estamos supervisando algún evento, nos complace dejar que la gente le dé la mano a nuestro amigo robot.

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